Shifting Attitudes

All around us outmoded systems and power structures are being exposed and challenged – at work, at home and in our communities.

With so much external change, its likely to affect you personally, directly or indirectly. It will call upon your adaptability skills because

  • you will face changing circumstances and uncertainty more frequently
  • some transitions are life-altering
  • norms are changing and require attitudinal shifts that affect power, pressure and perceptions
  • redistribution of power is happening, don’t miss an opportunity

Your 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and 70’s are full of reasons to discover, redefine and adapt. You can enhance your ability to move through any instance of change and transition by increasing discovery and reflection practices.

Looking ahead…

Do you have the self-knowledge and skills to navigate your future?

Are you second-guessing what you’re seeing or thinking?

Have you lost the sense of being in the driver’s seat?

Want to explore a complicated situation? I can help.

It’s a rare person who isn’t struggling with issues of power and inclusion as we watch events unfold that we never thought we’d see.


Gift Certificates Available

When someone you care about is struggling and they need help coming to terms with their situation, consider a gift certificate.  It’s best we have a conversation prior to your purchase to determine a fit.

A habit interpreter takes a forensic approach guiding you to see what’s beneath the inner conflict you’re experiencing.

Together we untangle what’s hijacked your clear thinking and whether or not it’s protecting you or endangering your situation.

Together we search for the code to your personal why. 

Judi Walsh
Let me know if you have any questions or comments.